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Notice 03-20-2025 : WE ARE HIRING: Clerk/Treasurer; see News & Notices - Employment Opportunities for more information!

Public Works Questions

Our Public Works Department can be reached at (608) 319-5398.


The Town has a Private Drive Plowing Policy. All Town Roads are considered priority during a winter storm event and private driveways/roads will not take priority over maintaining access to Town Roads.

Property owners will be required to sign a liability release and agree to hold harmless the Town for any damage arising from private drive plowing.

It depends.

If you live on a County Road, please contac the Iowa County Highway Department.

If you live on a Town Road, please review our Mailbox Policy.

Dog License


The owner of a dog shall annually pay the dog license tax and obtain a license.  The application and appropriate fee(s) should be submitted to the Town of Brigham by April 1st of each year to avoid any late fees. Failure to obtain a license prior to this date, or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a licensable dog or the dog reaching the licensable age (5 months), may result in the assessment of a late fee and reporting to the appropriate enforcement agency of Iowa County.

Building Permits


There are various rules and regulations that require a building permit. Contacting the Town's Building Inspector is recommended prior to beginning any work to ensure you have any necessary permits.  The Building Inspector can be reached at (608) 963-0652.

Property Taxes

Our Taxes page contains the most current information and can be found here:

The 2nd installment is due to Iowa County.  It should be mailed to: 222 N Iowa St, Dodgeville, WI  53533. To verify the amount owed, contact the Iowa County Treasurer at (608) 935-0397.


The Town Board typically meets the first Wednesday of each month. The Plan Commission typically meets the third Tuesday of each month, if requests are submitted for decision/discussion/recommendation.

The deadline is two (2) weeks prior to the meeting date.

Meeting Minutes are not posted until the respective board has approved the "draft" minutes.

Clean-Up Event Days

The Town of Brigham typically offers two (2) Clean-Up Events each year - one in the spring and one in the fall.  Check our Calendar for scheduled dates.


The owner of a dog shall annually pay the dog license tax and obtain a license.  The application and appropriate fee(s) should be submitted to the Town of Brigham by April 1st of each year to avoid any late fees. Failure to obtain a license prior to this date, or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a licensable dog or the dog reaching the licensable age (5 months), may result in the assessment of a late fee and reporting to the appropriate enforcement agency of Iowa County.