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Notice 03-20-2025 : WE ARE HIRING: Clerk/Treasurer; see News & Notices - Employment Opportunities for more information!

COVID-19 Precautions at the Polls

If you choose to vote in person, things within the polling place may look different.  There will be specific procedures in place to protect your health and safety, as well as the health and safety of our poll workers.  Please be patient as poll workers will be using public health procedures designed to keep everyone safe and things may take a bit longer.  Poll workers are required to follow the rules and laws, but they do not make them.

The following should be kept in mind when you visit the polling place on Election Day:

  • Please pay attention to signage directing the flow of voters to accommodate safe practices.
  • Your polling place may have lines to maintain social distancing.  There may be markers/tape on the ground to indicate 6 feet; if not, please maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others.  Please be prepared to wait outside, as voters will be limited within the polling place to abide by social distancing requirements.
  • Voters are highly encouraged to wear face coverings in the polling place or in any line waiting to vote or enter the polling place.  The Town has face coverings available if one is needed.
  • Do not enter the polling place if you have symptoms of COVID-19, including shortness of breath, cough, fever of greater than 100.4° F, nasal congestion, sore throat, achiness, or sudden loss of taste, or if you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19.  Anyone experiencing the above symptoms is encouraged to consider voting curbside.
  • You will be asked to sanitize your hands upon entering the polling place before voting.
  • Interactions will poll workers and other voters should be brief or avoided.  You should try and move through the voting process quickly.
  • You will be asked to state your name and address and provide your photo ID.  Poll workers may be social distancing, so they may ask you to set your photo ID on the table and step back.  They may also be behind plexiglass dividers.
  • You may use your own black ballpoint pen to sign the poll book and mark your ballot.  If you do not have one, a pen will be provided to you.  Take the pen home with you.
  • Once provided your ballot, you can vote at a poll booth or accessible voting machine.  Poll workers are regularly sanitizing these areas throughout Election Day.
  • Once you are finished voting, you will insert your ballot into the tabulator.  You will be asked to sanitize your hands when exiting the polling place.
  • Leave political items at home when you visit the polling place.  Electioneering is any activity which is intended to influence voting at an election, and it’s against the law anywhere people are voting, including within 100 feet of the entrance to a polling place.  That means you cannot hand out literature, carry signs, or wear clothing with the names or slogans of candidates up for election when you go to vote.  These rules also apply to poll workers and election observers.  Violators cannot be deprived of the right to vote, but penalties may follow.  Anyone found guilty of violating the electioneering law may be fined not more than $1,000, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.